What’s your favorite holiday?! Christmas!!!!!

                                                                     Oh, Christmas tree 🎄 ⛄️ 

Who else’s favorite holiday is Christmas?  I do believe there is such a thing as Christmas spirit. Around the holidays I just feel so happy and filled with joy. I’m not sure if the nostalgia clicks in or it’s just the pure happiness and feeling of seeing beautiful Christmas decor and bright Christmas lights. Christmas is just the most wonderful time of the year! The fresh baked cookies, steaming hot chocolate.

Peppermint bark! Always a hit at any holiday party! I will share this recipe closer to Christmas time!!

I also made this Christmas wreath charcuterie board this past Christmas , and I got so many compliments and everyone enjoyed eating it as well!

The Christmas movies that air on tv, really remind me of my childhood and make me so excited  to watch. Oh the memories! 

What is your favorite Christmas movie? Mine is Santa Claus is coming to town! “ Put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door!” 

Of course I love Rudolph and frosty as well! Can’t forget the grinch! Well, the old cartoon version is my favorite but the Jim Carey one isn’t so bad either! The return of my children’s elves on the shelves is always so much fun, to see them search every morning to see where their visitors from the North Pole will be! 

The Christmas traditions of getting the Christmas tree and then having the fresh scent of pine throughout your home! LOVE IT! Speaking of scents, my favorite scent is definitely pine, evergreen and spruce! Such warming nature scents! Christmas brings me so much peace and happiness. I look forward to when stores start putting out their Christmas items! I LOVE just going to the stores and browsing and of course trying to not buy everything!! 

I start to decorate for Christmas November 1! Yes, you read that right! As soon as Halloween is over Christmas begins to throw up in my home! And no, I’m not exaggerating! Every room and corner in my home gets decorated. The beautiful greens, reds, golds, sparkles and lights are everywhere! Christmas music blasting through the radio every day! Three of my favorite Christmas albums are “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby. “Merry Christmas” by Mariah Carey and “Christmas” by Michael Buble! 

The old decorations are so nostalgic to put out every year. Hopefully when my children are older they have memories of how I use to decorate the house for them, and can reminisce on particular pieces they use to love! Like the singing Christmas decor, snow globes , special Christmas ornaments. I have so many memories of how my mom use to decorate our house and have a Christmas Eve party every year! Man, do I miss those days so much.. That feeling of Christmas does of course change as you get older which is super sad, but at least  I can recreate that for my children and hope they believe in the magic of Christmas for a very long time! 


Does anyone else remember when Whitman use to sell the boxes of chocolate that came with the little Snoopy ornaments on top ?! I wish they still sold those, I use to look forward to going to my local Walgreens and getting one each year. Sadly, when we moved I think they all went missing… I did however order one off eBay last year, which I think I may do again this year to collect them again!                           

 I find myself falling inlove with more vintage items as I get older. Maybe that explain my love for Victorian homes! Just the sense of old times and where some traditions may have begun! I have recently started to collect Johanna Parker items and her pieces are so vintage/folk to me. I LOVE it all! Most of her items can be found at Homegoods, TJ Max & Marshalls! Oh, and Ross! I don’t have one near me sadly but I know people have found a bunch there!

This is some of my collection! I do have more, but how beautiful are these pieces!? She also sells table mats, dish towels, door mats and so much more! As much as I love her Christmas stuff you should see her Halloween items! I LOVE them! But we’ll save that for a halloween blog! I know its only May, but I was just reminiscing of Christmas time haha! Which I find myself doing often! Whenever I’m stuck on decorating my home, I’m just like “ well if I could just decorate for Christmas I have plenty of decor!”

I hope you enjoyed my random Christmas blog in May! Don’t worry their will be plenty more when the actual Christmas season is near! I will be sharing more traditions, recipes, activities and much more! :)


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